Friday, 25 June 2021

Dissection A Hibiscus

 LI: To learn the parts of the flower and what their functions are.

First we learned about the different parts of the flower and what their functions are. We then had to learn the proper way to dissect a flower. After we were informed about how to dissect a flower, we had to carry on with the procedure. We then had to take out a single pollen and put it on a slide. We then had to put the slide into the microscope to look at the pollen closely.

I enjoyed this activity as it was soothing and informative.

Thursday, 24 June 2021


 LI: To write an abstract noun sense poem.

Abstract nouns are nouns you can feel but can’t physically feel. see, smell, taste, hear and feel. Our poem had to include the 5 senses wich compose of touch, sight, feel, smell, see. We also included feel. A metaphor is comparing two things without using the words 'like' or 'as'.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to be creative with my words.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Main Ideas

LI: to identify the main ideas in the text Our next activity was to continue our learning with Matariki and Maori Stories. 

For this activity we talked about the general important ideas, the 4 very important ideas, and the 3 vital ideas of the story. The important ideas are composed of 4 specific things that might basically summarise the story. The 3 vital ideas are composed of key parts of the story.

Student Led Conferences (SLC)

 LI: To share our learning with our families

Afterschool between 3:00 - 7:00 on Thursday Panmure Bridge School had their Student Led Conference. During our student led conference students took their parents/guardians around their classroom and explained their learning to their parents. Once the student took their kid around the classroom, they showed the parents their 2021 learning journey. 

My learning joureny composed of a piece of my reading, writing, maths, inquiry, the class site, my blog, and the school site. My parents said they enjoyed looking around my classroom and learning about the kinds of things I do. 

Venn Diagram

 LI: to find as many similarities and differences as you can between the video and the text of “The Beginning” To continue our learning of Matariki, and the Maori story of Creation our task was to create a Venn Diagram. For our Venn Diagram we compared the differences and similarities between the Video and Written Version of the Maori Creation Story.

A Venn Diagram, is a diagram showcasing the differences and similarities between two different things. 


 LI: To test the buoyancy of different objects.

This week in Science Tech we experimented with the different buoyancys that different objects have. The objects that we were experimenting with were Tennis balls, Large and Small marbles, a table tennis ball, and a golf ball. We also experimented with some different shaped blocks, that also composed of different materials.

When things float the term to use is 'That object is positivley buoyant' and when an object sinks then the term to use is 'That object is negativley buoyant'. Water rises when the weight of the object in the water is greater than the amount of weight that the water displaces. Mass is the same as how 

I enjoyed this task because it was very intereging seeing if the object would float or sink. 


 LI: to explain in fewer words what the text is about. For our Inquiry we were learning about Matariki, and the origin story. Our task was to watch a video on the Maori Creation story and we had to summarise the video. The video was an artist representing and creating the story through sand art. 

Our 20 important words had to be the top important words from the video, words that represented the story. Then from the 20 we had to pick the 6 most important words Then using those 6 words we had to sum up the story in a few sentences. 

Friday, 11 June 2021

PB4L | Expectations in the Classroom

LI: To understand the expectations set for us as the role models of the school.

Our topic for PB4L this week was focused around the expectations and rules set for us, and we should know how to understand and carry them out because we are the role models of the school. As a class, we talked about the expectations of a wet day monitor, the common rules inside of the classroom and what is expected from the teachers.

Some students showed us an example of how we can show respect in other classrooms as well as our own. They roleplayed an example of what they should do if a class was acting up during a wet-day and including other students during a casual conversation. More topics that we talked about was the necessary noise volume in different situations.

I found this lesson interesting but easy to understand because I am familiar with respecting the classroom rules and following expectations to a high standard.

Trying out Laboratory Equipment | Tech

 LI: To try using laboratory equipment

During tech we practised using laboratory equipment. Our topic was based around the practise of laboratory equipment. The types of equipment we used were beakers, petri dishes, thermometers, mixers, weighing machines, and stopwatches. 

We measured 100ml of cold and hot water into our beakers and recorded the temperture of each of them. We then measured exactly 10 grams of sugar into a petri dish, and to get an exact amount we used our weighing machine. The last step we took was timing how long it took for the sugar to dissolve in the cold and hot water. 

The part of this lesson that I enjoyed the most was measuring the temperature of the water, I learned that hot water dissolves sugar alot faster than the cold water does.