Showing posts with label Inquiry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inquiry. Show all posts

Monday, 9 August 2021

Hauora Olympics

 LI: To show our understanding of Hauora in context.  

Athletes at the top of their field train both physically and mentally because it is both the body and the mind that need to be healthy to have balance as an athlete. It is important to enjoy and celebrate the results of what hard work has led to since it might be a one time opportunity. Olympic athletes that have earned a medal should be proud of themselves, and olympians that have unfortunately lost should be grateful for the opportunity.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Main Ideas

LI: to identify the main ideas in the text Our next activity was to continue our learning with Matariki and Maori Stories. 

For this activity we talked about the general important ideas, the 4 very important ideas, and the 3 vital ideas of the story. The important ideas are composed of 4 specific things that might basically summarise the story. The 3 vital ideas are composed of key parts of the story.

Student Led Conferences (SLC)

 LI: To share our learning with our families

Afterschool between 3:00 - 7:00 on Thursday Panmure Bridge School had their Student Led Conference. During our student led conference students took their parents/guardians around their classroom and explained their learning to their parents. Once the student took their kid around the classroom, they showed the parents their 2021 learning journey. 

My learning joureny composed of a piece of my reading, writing, maths, inquiry, the class site, my blog, and the school site. My parents said they enjoyed looking around my classroom and learning about the kinds of things I do. 

Venn Diagram

 LI: to find as many similarities and differences as you can between the video and the text of “The Beginning” To continue our learning of Matariki, and the Maori story of Creation our task was to create a Venn Diagram. For our Venn Diagram we compared the differences and similarities between the Video and Written Version of the Maori Creation Story.

A Venn Diagram, is a diagram showcasing the differences and similarities between two different things. 


 LI: to explain in fewer words what the text is about. For our Inquiry we were learning about Matariki, and the origin story. Our task was to watch a video on the Maori Creation story and we had to summarise the video. The video was an artist representing and creating the story through sand art. 

Our 20 important words had to be the top important words from the video, words that represented the story. Then from the 20 we had to pick the 6 most important words Then using those 6 words we had to sum up the story in a few sentences. 

Friday, 21 May 2021


LI: To strengthen connections to technology.

We have been learning about technological practice.  This week we have been learning about the 6 processes of Technological Design and how each one is important in the process of designing a product.
We are using the processes of technological practices to  design and build a rubber band- powered rover that can scramble across the floor. I found this interesting and fun because we were able to find the materials needed to make the rovers, and we were able to do it with our friends. 

Monday, 14 December 2020

Emergency shelter sales pitch

We presented a sales pitch about the shelter that my group had created. Our shape was an octagon, and we presented our shelter to P.B.S.

First, the feedback we recieved after presenting was that, we should've stopped talking about alternatives, and we should've had more deliverables.

My group and I should've made our slideshow more appropriate for the situation. We also should've explaind what our shelter was protecting against.

I think that my group and I could've done a way better job at a lot of things. My group and I didn't really meet the criterias so something that I think we could do better next time is to include what was instructed and to make our presentation and vocabulary choice better suited for the situation. I also think that my group could be more confident when speaking. We should've also made sure that our lines in the presentation were remembered so that everyone knew what parts they speaking.

LI: To create a presentation of your design to bid for the building contract.

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Requisition Request

Emergency shelters are protection against natural disasters such as a storm or an earthquake. 

The Protectors requested aluminum foil, hard plastic, metal poles, clay,  chicken wire, and plaster of paris. 

The aluminum foil is for the inside of the shelter, the foil is used because it is a good insulator and heat reflector. 

The hard plastic is for the windows, the hard plastic is used because it’s easier to shape than glass.

The metal poles are for stabilization, it was used because it is a heat reflector insulator.

The clay is used to form most of the shelter, it was used because it is tough, so if the shelter topples over then the poles will not easily break off.

The plaster of Paris and the chicken wire is used for a similar purpose as the aluminium foil, they were used because they were used to hold the clay.

The tin can is used for the door, the front and the back of the shelter. The purpose of this shelter was to protect against bushfires. 

Emergency shelters are used worldwide and are very important. There are a lot of steps you need to do to build an emergency shelter.

Credit Oscar

Friday, 6 November 2020

Inquiry | Emergency shelters

In this week's inquiry session, we learned how to design an emergency shelter. 

First, we designed a quick sketch of an emergency shelter on a piece of paper. We had to draw our design from a front angle and a side angle. We also had to think about what shape would be suitable for natural disasters such as strong winds. We used an octagon because if the wind toppled it over then it would still maintain its shape. 


Next, we designed a 3d version of our emergency shelter. To help us make the 3d shapes we used an app called sketchup. We had to replicate our paper design. 

Lastly, some changes we think we could make is, getting rid of some of our pillars, because the storm is capable of blowing down the pillars which will make the octagon roll repeatedly, and we could take away one of the windows so that there's a less likely chance of things flying through it.

This activity taught me about 3d shapes, and what kind of designs are good for certain natural disasters.

LI: To digitally model an emergency shelter.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Inquiry | Tempature experiments

Insulators are materials that limit heats movement.

Insulators are used to stop heat from traveling. Five materials were experimented on for the ability to insulate: glass, plastic, metal, paper, and polystyrene.

The best insulator for keeping things warm was polystyrene because it only lost 8 degrees over time. The worst insulator for keeping in heat was tin, plastic, and paper because they lost 10 degrees over time.

The best insulator for keeping things cold was paper and polystyrene because they only lost 2 degrees over time. The worst insulator for keeping things cold was glass.

The best insulator for both hot and cold was polystyrene.

Friday, 25 September 2020

Inquiry | Safety plane

This week, we assessed the risk, hazard and consequences that could happen while lighting a fire and making s'mores over the fire, then doing it in person. We made a safety plan for making a fire and for making s'mores. 

First, we discussed the hazard and risks for the first safety plan. Then, we wrote down the hazard and risks. A hazard while making a fire, is the fire itself. However, the cosequences could be getting burnt by the fire.

After writing down the hazards and risks, we talked about what the cosequences could be, how we could prevent it, who is responsible for it and the emergency plan.

Next, we made another safety plan for making s'mores with the fire. We repeated the process but made different hazards. After making the safety plans, we went onto making the fire and making our s'mores.

Mr Ogilvie lit the fire and started to demonstrate how to make the marshmallows. After the demonstration, we made the s'mores.

I found this activity quite hard because I couldn't cook the marshmallows without burning them.

LI: To assess risk with a safety plan.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Risk Assesment | Inquiry

In this activty, we built an idea of the possible risk, hazard and consequence. We also created a safety action plan that could help in a situation.

First, we discussed what risks and hazards are. Our idea was that a hazard is a something that can cause harm to people, properties or the enviorment. A risk is the chance that a hazard can cause harm to people, properties or the enviorment.

Next, we made the safety action plan. We thought of a simple activity that can take place in the school. We wrote down the year level, the number of helpers, the numbers of students and the location of the activity. We also noted down the consequences, the hazard or risk, how we could prevent the consequence, the person who is responsible for the hazard or risk and the emergency plan.

I found this activity challenging because it was hard to come up with many consequences and emergency plans. The objective of this activity was to identify the likelihood of a risk and hazard to happen during an activity.

LI: To assess risk with a simple activity.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Risk Assessment quiz | Inquiry

We learnt how to identify the levels of risk. We also learnt about assess likelihood.

First, we learnt about the five levels of danger. They are: low, likely, possible, elevated and extreme. Assess likelihood is to assess how likely it is that someone is exposed to the hazard.

After that, we rated 15 scenarios by the levels of risk. Then we discussed the consequences that can occur by the scenarios.

Lastly, we wrote down our own scenarios and rated the potential risk level for other people to try.

I thought that this activity taught me about the different danger levels of different scenarios.

LI: To asses the liklihood.

Friday, 4 September 2020

Hazards & Risks | Inquiry

We investigated the hazards and risks in different places.

To do this, we played Octopus and Four Corners. While we played these games, we identified if there were any dangers or accidents happening.

After that, we identified the differences between hazards and risks. Hazards are the causes of harm to people and the environment. Risks are the outcomes of causing harm to people or the environment.

Next, we listed four hazards that could happen in our homes, schools, community and sports. Lastly, we made posters that showed the risks of the different hazards.

This activity was educational, and it taught me about the different hazards and risks that can occur in different areas.

LI: To demonstrate prior knowledge.


Friday, 7 August 2020

Cook Island Language Week

I learnt about the Cook Island language.

I learnt the numbers up to ten, which is one of the Cook Island language week tasks. In this task, I got a better understanding about the spelling in Cook Island language. 

In the google slide show, I wrote down the numbers up to 10 in in English and in Cook Island. I also made a video of myself pronouncing the numbers and days so that people can learn from them.

I enjoyed this activity and learnt lots of new things about Cook Island language.

LI: To learn about the Cook Island language.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Light and sound vocabulary | Find, Draw, Animate, Act | Inquiry

In our inquiry session we were learning about the vocabulary of light and sound. Sound is the vibrations that 
can be heard by someone or something. Light is energy that makes things visible.

We first aligned words to the correct meaning. For example a word was transparent. We connected the 
meaning which was 'light can travel through'. My group and I understood the meaning because we had 
prior knowledge of transparent. There were three sites that could help us understand the defintion of the 

Our second activity was to find, draw, animate and act four words from the vocabulary list. We 
found photos of the words and wrote the definition of it. We drew the picture of a word. We animated the 
words that we couldn't get a picture of. Then for act we made a video of words that we also could not find a picture of.

I enjoyed this activity and learned the meaning of some words.

LI: To learn the vocabulary of light and sound.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Properties of light | Inquiry

 Light is created from a source of energy. Lights has lots of properties.

The first property light has is that it can be blocked by opaque  objects ( not see through ). This can be shown by getting a slit of wood that blocks the path of a flashlight.

The secound property light has is that it can be reflected. This can be shown by using a mirror to reflect the light from a flashlight.

The third property light has is it can change directions.This can be shown by using a glass cup that is infront of a flashlight that is on.

LI: To observe the properties of light.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Properties of Sound | Inquiry

Sound is created by vibrations. There are three properties of sound. They are:

The first property sound has is that it can travel around corners. This can be shown by standing around a corner from a sound meter.

The secound property sound has is that it can travel in all directions. This can be shown by standing all directions from a sound meter.

The third property sound has is that it dissipates ( gets quieter ) as it travels.This can be shown by using a sound meter that is closer and further away from you.

LI: To observe the properties of sound.

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Maritime Museum Madness

LI: To study the history of New Zealand explorers.
We went to the Maritime Museum to find out about explorers. I saw a lot of different boats that looked like Wakas and Kayaks. One of the things I found out was a great New Zealand Sailor. I had to watch a video about the first explorers and how they found Aoteroa. I enjoyed the trip because I learnt lots of new things like how Paul Caffyn kayaked around the South Island of New Zealand.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

About Me 2020

My name is Oscar. I am one third Samoan, one third Niuean and i'm one third british/english. I am a year 6 student in LS1 at Panmure Bridge School. At home I enjoy reading, playing with my sister and playing outside in the backyard. When I'm in school I like maths, playing with my friends and reading.