Tuesday, 5 September 2017

About the helicoprion

The helicoprion was known as the buzzsaw killer (buzzsaw means circular saw) also known as the nightmare  shark.  

Helicoprions ate soft-tissued prey such as  squid, rather that hunting creatures with hard shells.    

The helicoprion lived all around the worlds oceans. Not like other sharks the helicoprion lived in cold and warm water they would not change their at all! Isn’t that fascinating.

Now the helicoprion looks very different to our sharks now a days. You could probably guess from its name the nightmare shark. It had a circular jaw see it isn't like the sharks we have now a days. It had the body of a shark and the mouth of a who knows what.

The helicoprion was not friendly at all like dolphins they protect you as much as they can. Nobody has been able to tame one since 290 years ago it was discovered 117 years ago.(true not fake look on sharkopedia) so far all I can say is it is WILD! Am I right or what.  

I chose the helicoprion because I had this thing for dinosaurs and I know this isn’t a dinosaur but it was the closest I could get and for you smart people out there I know that the helicoprion isn’t a dinosaur but it is very fascinating. Now if you don’t think that what I am talking about is real feast your eyes on this.         

File:Helicoprion bessonovi1DB.jpg - Wikimedia Commons


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