Thursday, 11 April 2019


LI: To make a smart comment.
Today for commenting I commented on my friend Ong's blog post about C.A.R.E awards so that we can help them learn on what to change and what not to change.

Inquiry | Hauora

LI: to learn the 4 dimensions of the Hauora
We were learning about Hauora. Hauora has 4 dimensions. Those 4 are Physical, Social, Spiritual, and Mental. Physical is when you look after your body, and look at what substances you put in your body. Social is when you go out and talk to people, sharing ideas and opinions. Spiritual is you morals, values, your beliefs, and your self-worth. Mental is someone who is always positive and bright. For our Must Do we had to make a Poster, Animation, Movie, and Skit on one of the 4 dimensions of Hauora. So for our poster we were focusing on Social Well Being. On our animation we were focusing on Mental/Emotional Well Being. For our movie we were focusing on Physical Well Being. Lastly for our skit we were focusing on Spiritual Well Being.


To learn how to sing and play music. 
This week in music we were learning how to play music and sing at the same time. I was on the xylophones this week and it was hard to sing, look at the board for what to hit and then hit it in time with everyone else. Thankfully I could move on to the keyboards ( pianos ) which I could play whatever I please. I learnt this skill by being taught by our music teacher. The tools I used were keyboards & and xylophones.

Tounge Twister

LI: To say something hard as fast as we could.
This week for our can do's I chose to do a tounge twister. If you don't know what a toung twister is it is you saying something hard to say ( For example how much wood could a wood chuck wood if a wood chuck could chuck wood ) as fast as you can. I learnt this skill by being taught by Mr Wong. The tools I used were my chromebook and the app I used were FlipGrid.

Basic Facts

LI: To remember basic facts
This week for basic facts I had to answer which are addition, subtraction, multiplacation and division. I did Addition and subtraction up to 5 because I knew it would be quick for me to complete. The tools I used to complete this were my chromebook and the app I used to do this was google spreadsheet.

Duffy Assembly | Robert Rakete

LI: To learn about the importance of books.
This week we had our duffy assembly. If you don't know what that is it is when a guest comes to our school to tell us how important books are. Today our star guest was Robert Rakete or as some kids might know him as the brown wiggle. As well as being the brown wiggle he has been a reporter on the breeze & he has been a contestent on dancing with the stars. His favourite book was called Astrix. Robert also had a friend from Mainfreight and his name was Ollie. If you want to go and check out his song and support the wiggles click on this link.

Writing | Imaginative Recounts

LI: To write an imaginative.
This week in writing we had to make an imaginative recount from the perspective of Little Red Riding Hood or the Big Bad Wolf. This week me and my partener started to write our events and ending. In the events we had to include what happened in the middle of the story. In the ending we had to include a new normal ( A new normal is when you have done something wrong and you now know not to do that thing again ) and a reflection. I learnt this by being taught by Mr Ogilvie. The only tool I used was my chromebook.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Term 1 Kiwi Can overview

LI: To recap everything we did in Kiwi Can
Today in kiwican we recapped all of the learning from term 1.
Our big theme was Positive Relationships. 
Our 3 modules were-Positive Communication, Friendship, and Cooperation.
We made 3 groups. Each group talked about the 5W's and H for 1 module.
After we talked as a group, each group shared their ideas back to the class. I learnt this by being taught by the Kiwi Can leaders.

I enjoyed learning about our themes in a creative way. 

I learnt how to build on a relationship using positive communication.

Something I need to improve on is communicating with each other. 

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Maths | Collecting Data

LI: To learn about the class and school.
This week in maths we were learning how to collect data. First in our groups we had to conduct our servey on LS1 and Room 5. After we conducted our servey on them we had to collect and clean our data. After we had done that we had to make a graph about our data. Finally we presented our data to Mr Wong's math groups. After we had showed our work Mr Wong rated our presentations. My groups final score was 6 out of 6.

Reading | Soldier Discovering

LI: To unlock keywords to summarise a text. 
This week in reading we were learning how to use the 5W'S and the H to make a infographic with lots of information on it. First we had to choose an artifact. Next we went on a website called walking with an A.N.Z.A.C. We clicked on our artifact and then started learning about the soldier that used the artifact. We used the online cenotaph to find the 5W'S. Once we had found the 5W'S and the H we made an infographic from it on a website called Canva. We learnt how to do this by being taught by Mr Ogilvie. The tools I used were my chromebook and the apps I used were Canva, Walking with an ANZAC & the online cenotaph.

Friday, 5 April 2019


LI: To make a smart comment.
Today for commenting I commented on my friend Ong's blog post about C.A.R.E awards so that we can help them learn on what to change and what not to change.

Inquiry | Hauora

LI: To learn about Hauora
This week in inquiry we were learning about Hauora. Hauora is our well being. In Hauora there are 4 dimensions. They are Physical, Mental, Social, and Spiritual. So for our Must Do we had to pick an object that had four things to make that object work. Also for our object even if one of the dimensions is unbalenced they all fall down. For example a car has four wheels, even if one is flat you can't drive it. We then had a sheet and we had a bunch of scenarios. We had to put the scenarios in eather Physical, Social, Mental, or Spiritual Well Being. We then had the same sheet but then we had to put in our own scenarios that are good & bad that relate to what we do. I would say I am balanced and I am good & bad at Physical. I think I live a balance life in society. 

Toung Twister

LI: To learn how to say a tounge twister.
This week we had to blog an extra because we had no books for SSR Selfie. First we had to choose tounge twister to say. Next we had to put it on a FlipGrid. And if you didn't know a tounge twister is something that you have to try and say fast but it is hard. I learnt to do this by being taught by Mr Wong.
Link to flipgrid.


LI: To learn how to play an instrument
In music we were learning how to play an instrument. First our music teacher gave people certain instruments to practice playing. Next she swapped 4 people onto the pianos and the ukelele people onto the xylophones. We did this by being taught by our music teacher. The tools we used were pianos, xylophones, ukelele & my chromebook.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Basic Facts

LI: To remember basic facts
This week for basic facts I had to answer which are addition, subtraction, multiplacation and division. I did Addition and subtraction up to 5 because I knew it would be quick for me to complete. The tools I used to complete this were my chromebook and the app I used to do this was google spreadsheet.

KiwiSport | Ki O Rahi

LI: To practice the full game of Ki O Rahi.
Today in KiwiSport we played and practiced the full game of Ki O Rahi. First Mr Ogilvie split us into a red and blue team and then gave each team a role. Blue was the first team to be Kioma and red was Taniwha.

The role of Taniwha is to throw the Ki at the Tupu while standing in Te Rutu. If the Ki does hit the Tupu then that gives Taniwha 1 point ( to make it easy 1 hit = 1 point ). Taniwha is allowed in Te Au and Te rutu. They are NOT allowed to be in Paweru & Te Ara.

The role of Kioma is to touch the Po with the Tupu and then run threw Te Rutu to score in Paweru. If you touch 1 Po then score in Paweru that is 1 point. Kioma is allowed in Te Au, Paweru ( If there getting a try ) & Te Rutu ( if they have touched 1 Po ). They are not allowed in Te Ara.

The role of Kicker is to kick the ball to the Kaitiake while standing in Te marama. The Kickers boundries are the same as Kioma's.

The role of Kaitiake is to defend the Ki from hitting the tupu while standing in Te Rutu. They are allowed in Te Ara to enter Paweru. They are not allowed in the rest of the areas. When the kicker kicks the Ki the Kaitiake have to try and catch the Ki on the full and then they are allowed to pass it to Kioma, if they drop it then it is Taniwha's ball.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Reading | Infographic

LI: To skim and scan to find key words.
This week in reading how to skim and scan through a text to find keywords. First we chose an artifact and went on to a website called Walking with the ANZAC ( The link to the site is at the bottom of the text ). Then we clicked on the artifact that we were given and learnt about the man ( or woman ) who owned it. After that we clicked on the Cenotaph ( Again the link we be at the bottom of the text ). Once we were on the Cenotaph we typed in our soldiers name and found the 5W's and the H. Then we made a infographic about my soldier contaning the 5W's and the H Using Canva. I learnt this skill by being taught by Mr Ogilvie. The tools I used were my chromebook and the sites and apps I used are called Walking with the ANZAC, Cenotaph & Canva .

Kiwi Can | How to say "NO"

LI: To Build Positive Relationships 
In Kiwi Can we were learning about respecting people when they say "no". Our energizer today is called word associacion. in this game you have say a word and then pass a ball to someone and then the person that you passed to has to say a word associated with your word. Our game is called Empathy Roleplay. In this game Mr H will choose 4 people to act out what he says. And then Mr H would come up with a situation where you have to try and say a type of no that the class would decide on. We learnt this information by being taught by our Kiwi Can leaders ( Mrs Mack & Mr H ).The tool(s) we used were just a ball.

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Maths | Statistics

LI: To learn something about the class or school using statistics.
This week for maths we had cleaned up our data. For our statistics survey we asked LS1 and room 5 our survey about Where is the most popular place you like to sit and rest around PBS. When we had finished asking everybody we had to clean up the data.

Basic Facts

LI: To learn and remember our basic facts.
Today I was doing basic facts and I tried to beat Mr Wongs basic facts addition time which was 3:22 and mine time is 3:42. I learnt to do this by being taught by Mr Wong. The tools I used were my netbook and the app I used was a google spreadsheet made by Mr Wong.

Imaginiteve Recount

LI: To wirte an imaginitive recount.
This week in writing we learnt how to write an imaginitive recount. An imaginitive recount is take a fictional story and you write 1st person view from one of the charecters. We had to write an imaginitive recount using the fable Little Red Riding Hood. First we had to plan our imaginitive recount using T.R.E.E ( Title,Reveal,Events,Ending ). Once that was done we had to come up with different title ideas for our story. Lastly we made our reveal which includes who,when & where. I learnt this skill by being taught by Mr Ogilvie. The tools I used were my netbook and the app I used was a google slide made by Mr Ogilvie.