Thursday, 4 April 2019

KiwiSport | Ki O Rahi

LI: To practice the full game of Ki O Rahi.
Today in KiwiSport we played and practiced the full game of Ki O Rahi. First Mr Ogilvie split us into a red and blue team and then gave each team a role. Blue was the first team to be Kioma and red was Taniwha.

The role of Taniwha is to throw the Ki at the Tupu while standing in Te Rutu. If the Ki does hit the Tupu then that gives Taniwha 1 point ( to make it easy 1 hit = 1 point ). Taniwha is allowed in Te Au and Te rutu. They are NOT allowed to be in Paweru & Te Ara.

The role of Kioma is to touch the Po with the Tupu and then run threw Te Rutu to score in Paweru. If you touch 1 Po then score in Paweru that is 1 point. Kioma is allowed in Te Au, Paweru ( If there getting a try ) & Te Rutu ( if they have touched 1 Po ). They are not allowed in Te Ara.

The role of Kicker is to kick the ball to the Kaitiake while standing in Te marama. The Kickers boundries are the same as Kioma's.

The role of Kaitiake is to defend the Ki from hitting the tupu while standing in Te Rutu. They are allowed in Te Ara to enter Paweru. They are not allowed in the rest of the areas. When the kicker kicks the Ki the Kaitiake have to try and catch the Ki on the full and then they are allowed to pass it to Kioma, if they drop it then it is Taniwha's ball.

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