Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Rube Goldberg

LI: to make a working Rube Goldberg machine by using the 6 simple machines.
Over the past weeks, in groups LS1 had to make a Rube Goldberg machine, We used the 6 simple machines. Wheel and axle, Lever, Incline plane, Pulley, Screw & Wedge had to be included. The challenges were turning a Chromebook on, helping Mr Wong roll dice and hitting a putter. Our scenario was turning on the Chromebook.

On the last week our group had managed to get the machine finish. We used four different types of simple machines a wheel and axle, pulley, incline plane and a lever. For the wheel and axle we used a car. For the Pulley we used a string from a yo-yo and latches from the window. For the incline plane we used a marble roll down a ramp. And used the dominoes as the lever. 

The most challenging task was creating the machines and trying to apply the 6 simple machines and communicating with our group to know what is going on and how we could help. I'd change another way of putting dominoes up without it falling because we always had to keep putting it up and the amount of sellotape we used.   

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