Friday, 29 November 2019

Just Frame It Brochure

LI: To advertise a product.
Today in LS1 we had to make an advertisment. Our advertisments could be a brochure, poster or a video. The advertisment had to be about LS1's product, frames. They also had to include our company name, Just Frame It. The difference between a brochure and a poster is that a poster is in one place and has very little text. Where as a brochure you can take it anywhere and it has alot of information on it.

Thursday, 28 November 2019

Kiwi Sport | Doubles Tennis

LI: To play doubles tennis.
Today in tennis we were playing doubles. In doubles there are two duos who play eachother. Both players in the team needed turns hitting the ball. If the ball was coming inbetween eachother, the person closer to the ball would hit it. We practiced by playing doubles.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Kiwi Can | Respect for others

LI: To respect others for their differences.
Today in Kiwi Can we were learning about respecting others. We were also respecting others beliefs, ideas and customs. One of the ways you can show respect to others is learning about there culture, religions & customs.

To learn about this we played an activity called Spot The Diffference. To play we had to get in to pairs, one person would turn around while the other person changes their appearance. Once the person turns back around they would have to try and spot what they changed. They would then swap the roles. I felt this was an important activity and topic to learn about.

Tuesday, 26 November 2019


LI: To make a smart comment 
Today for commenting I commenting I commented on my friend/cousins blog. A smart comment must include positive feedback in the form of question and a greeting with a goodbye. I commented on Lukah's commenting blog post about commenting on Chris's commenting blog post about commenting on Bella's blog post.

Basic Facts

LI: To remember basic facts
This week for basic facts I had to answer which are addition, subtraction, multiplacation and division. I did Addition up to 20 because I knew it would be quick for me to complete. 

Athletics Day

LI: to learn how to work cooperatively with our team mates.
Last week Friday all classes were split up into four teams. Each team had a color and the teans were blue, red, yellow & green. Each team had to play against each other in games to win the games. We played Lilly pad gladiator, rob the nest, long jump, sponge relay, shot put, hoola hoops, bean bag race, egg and spoon race and the frizbie frenzie.

Maths | Testing Measurments

LI: To use statistical and scientific methods to study the effect of wing span and area on lift.
For math's this week we had to choose a type of plane (Glider, Stunt and Dart), and a plane design. We then had to get into a group of seven and throw our planes, we then had to throw our planes and measure how far they flew and record the measurements on a google sheet. My interpretation is the more you the flight distance becomes shorter.

Inquiry | Coffe Shop

LI: To balance supply and demand for a profit.
Today for inquiry we were playing an educational
 game called Coffe Shop. In this game we had to try and make as much money as we could in 14 days ( 2 weeks ) . To do this we first had to supply our inventory. We also had to meet the demand. The more money we got the more supply we could get. Unfortunately if we bought too many supplys they would waste, like spoiled milk. We then had to take screenshots and screencastifys from the game. 

Writing | Character & Setting Description

LI: To revise the structure of a recount and reaffirm the marking criteria.
Today in writing we were planning a narrative about 2 people. First we had to come up with the characters in our groups. We also had to come up with the characters traits, like there ups and downs. Then at the end each group would decide which character they liked the most. We would then do the same thing but with places. After we had decided everything we had to write a description about the two. 

Monday, 25 November 2019

Reading | Roald Dahl Author Study

LI: Novel study.
Today in reading the task I chose was about studying Roald Dahl. In this author study I included who Roald Dahl is, Where Roald Dahl was from, his life span, his family tree & his past jobs. I learnt by making a google slideshow about who he is, where he is from, his life span, his family and his past jobs.

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Kiwi Can | Patience

LI: To learn about patience
Today in Kiwi Can we started learning about patience. Being patient means you follow instructions instead of jumping ahead. Our energizer was called move and grab. To play we had to have one of our hands flat and the other hand in the shape of a gun. The gun hand has to move quickly and the flat hand has to try and catch the other persons gun hand. The activity we played was about a patience chain. Mr Simanu would squeeze our shoulders then we had to carry it down in a chain. We weren't allowed to look back and we weren't allowed to squeeze without a person squeezing our shoulder first. At the end of each line there would be a runner and when the runner feels a squeeze they would race to grab a cone. The last game we were playing was called end of the road. This game was based on GKQ, we would form a line and then we would go down the line until the end of the road.

Kiwi sport | Tennis

LI: To learn how to full serve.
Today in tennis we were learning about full serves. To do a full serve you have to do over arm to hit the ball to the other persons side. Serving is when you deliver the ball to the other player. We also had to remember to serve diagonal. We were also playing in doubles.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Maori | Wiki Ono

LI: To translate Maori words and phrases
Today in Maori we were translating Maori words and phrases. First we had to learn about pois. A poi is a traditional Maori instrument that helps with cordination and flexibility. We also learnt how to properly hold a poi. We also had to translate words from a Maori song in to english.

Friday, 15 November 2019

Maths | Paper airplanes

LI: to use statistical and scientific methods to study the effect of wing span and area on lift.
Today in maths, we are still continuing on with paper planes. We had tested the flight distance of the paper planes. The results were different to our prediction. I think some problems were that we didn't use the same power of throwing the paper planes. I think that the other problem was that we didn't fold the papers well.

Reading | Roald Dahl word list

LI: Novel Study
Today in reading the task I was completing was a word list. First we had to choose a character from our Roald Dahl book. Next we had to describe that character using 10 words. After we had finished that part we had to find 10 new words in our book along with their definitions.

Thursday, 14 November 2019


LI: To learn how a business works.
Today we had a special guest who was teaching us about how she started a business. Her name is Michal. Her business is about reusing unwanted food and selling it to other people in need of food. She told us that she had to figure out a unique name and logo. This app took about 2 years of planning. You also need different ways of promoting your business like advertisements and self promotion.

In Foodprint stores sign up to Foodprint to give their unwanted food. Each year 1.3 billion tonnes of food are wasted and put into landfill, and this is bad because of climate change. Right now there are over 200 stores who have signed up and there are over 17400 people using the app. Michal's app is a social business which means they care about their profit, the people and the enviorment. I recommend this app because it can save you money.

Kiwi Can | Respectful Communication

LI: To learn about respectful communication
In Kiwi Can we were still learning about respectuful communication. Our energizer was a maths related game. First we had to put eather one or two hands behind our back with a partener. At the same time you would bring out your hand(s) and with 1-10 fingers, the first person to bring count all fingers ( including your parteners ) is the winner. Then we talked a bit more about respectful communication and how we can use it more often. Our activity was called musical cones and in this game we had to dance and grab cones as fast as we could. First we would dance to a song and then when the song stopped we had to try and be as fast as we could to grab a cone, and to secure it on your head.

Kiwi Sport | Tennis

LI: To learn about serving.
In Kiwisport we were starting to learn about serving the ball. First we had to do a shot put throw with our dominant hand ( Our strong hand or the hand we write with ) and we had to try and hit the cones on the other persons side for a warm up. To serve the ball we had to put the racket on our shoulder, then with our left hand we have to throw the ball up and then hit the ball high with our racket. When we are serving we don't serve straight we had to serve diagonally.

2019 Manaiakalani film festival: Wow human evolution

Today panmure bridge school ( PBS ) went to the Manaiakalani film festival which was at sylvia park. We did this to watch the movies from the Tamaki area. The movie I liked was " Wow, Human Evoulution " From Tamaki college. It was very funny and also educational because it tells us about human evolution. If you want to check out there great song click this link.

Māori | Ataata Wiki Wha | Macrons

LI: To learn about a macron, and also how to use it propley.
In māori I had to first answer 3 questions. Why do māori people ask "where are you from?", Why it is important and what is the role of a macron. If you want to know some answers to this question you can check the document below. Next we had to find out the translations of different māori phrases, but we also had to find the missing macrons.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

2019 Manaiakalani film festival: All Stars

I watched "All stars" from St Patricks school. It was very cool and very inspirational, they are very small but they are very smart. go check out the video by clicking this link.

Friday, 8 November 2019

Maths | Aerodynamics

LI: to use statistical and scientific methods to study the effect of wing span and area on lift.
In maths we are learning about aerodynamics and paper planes. This time we were learning about the independent and dependent variables. Independent variables are parts that can be changed without changing anything else, while the dependent variable depends on changing something else to change it. We had to figure out how many paper planes we were going to make. Then we to think of what our variable would be ( the thing you change ), our variable was going to be the wingspan. We made ours from 2cm - 18 cm. We also had to record our data on a sheet.

Writing | Figurative Language with Characters

LI: To investigate figurative language.
In writing we are still learning about figurative language. This week we got to choose three characters of our choice, then we had to write a simile, a metaphor, a hyperbole & a personificaiton. A simile is describing two things using "like" or "as", A metaphor is the opposite of a similie, you have to describe two things without using like or as, A hyperbole a exaggerating something like "oh bro, my house is like a mile away" & a personification is giving a object human abilities like "the pen danced across the paper. We also made a slideshow with multiple famous characters.

Kiwi Sport | Tennis

LI: To learn the forehand and backhand volley.
In Tennis we started to learn about the volley using the forehand and backhand technique. Volleying is when you repeatedly hit the ball back and forth without letting the ball bounce. First we were just practicing a higher backhand and forehand. After that we were volleying to our parteners, we were also trying to see how many volleys we could get.

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Kiwi Can | Respectful Language

LI: To learn about respectful language.
In Kiwi Can we were starting to learn about respectful language. Respectful language is when you have a positive attidude and you are using formal language. The first game we played was rock, paper, scissors but with a few changes. So we all had to find someone then we had to verse them in a match of rock, paper, scissors and if you lost then you would go on your knees. Eventhough you were on your knees you could still verse people who are also on there knees. You could only verse people who are the same as you for example if you're on your knees you can only verse people on there knees same goes for standing up. Our last activity was called animal choir. First we had to split eachother up into groups. Next each group would be given an animal ( for examlpe: Kitty, Kitty, Meow, Meow or Doggy, Doggy woof woof ) sound. One person from the middle would point to a group and they would have to make there noise or phrase.

Friday, 1 November 2019

Reading | Roald Dahl

LI: To study a novel.
In reading we are trying to read and finish a Roald Dahl book, along with that task we are also trying to complete other tasks related to our book. My book is Georges Marvellous Medicine, and in this character web I had to describe how a character from my book looks like, there feelings, how they act and there personality. We also have to complete reading to a specific chapter which was from chapter 3 - 5 for the people with the same book as me. Along with that we also have to complete multiple other tasks along the weeks.