Thursday, 14 November 2019


LI: To learn how a business works.
Today we had a special guest who was teaching us about how she started a business. Her name is Michal. Her business is about reusing unwanted food and selling it to other people in need of food. She told us that she had to figure out a unique name and logo. This app took about 2 years of planning. You also need different ways of promoting your business like advertisements and self promotion.

In Foodprint stores sign up to Foodprint to give their unwanted food. Each year 1.3 billion tonnes of food are wasted and put into landfill, and this is bad because of climate change. Right now there are over 200 stores who have signed up and there are over 17400 people using the app. Michal's app is a social business which means they care about their profit, the people and the enviorment. I recommend this app because it can save you money.

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