Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Fractions and Decimals | Maths

Fractions are a whole that has been divided equally amongst people. Decimals are numbers that are less than one.

Fractions are how people divide whole objects. For example there is 1 donut and someone is trying to share the donut with everyone. If there are 6 people that want donuts. First people cut the donut in to thirds. Then they cut the thirds in half and it makes 6 pieces of donuts. Which is also called sixths.

There are two parts of a fraction and they are the numerator and denominater. The denominater is the number on the bottom which represents how many people want of that whole. The numerator is the top number and they represent how many pieces of the whole you have.

Fractions can be converted into decimals as shown below, but if the numerator is bigger than the denominator then it goes to the one column, like shon below.
The numerator can go up depending on how many pieces you have. The denominator of all fractions can go up depending on how many people want of the whole object.


LI: To investigate fractions and decimals.


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