Thursday, 8 April 2021

Camp Collage

 LI: To create a collage of your camp highlights.

This week LS2 have been celebrating our camp. I created this collage to show my time at camp and the activities I enjoyed. To make my collage effective I thought about the size of the images, the angle of the images and I tried hard not to leave any gaps between the photos.


  1. Hello Oscar

    Looking at your photo collage I can see all the great experiences that you had just by looking at your photo collage. I like your photo collage becuase of the different angles, size, and rotations. I have also tried using different angles and sizes for my photo collage. Your learning intention is really clear as it is telling readers what the main learning of the blog post is.

    What was your favourite experience at Kokako Lodge?

    1. Greetings Juel,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog and giving me positive feedback. My favourite part of Kokako Lodge was being able to interact with my friends most of the day.

      What might you change about Kokako Lodge and why?


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