LI: To research about the people who change the world.
For the last task ( 3rd ) of day 5 we had to choose a person to write about. We had to write about what they had achieved ( Completed ). I chose to write about Jessica Watson. If you would like to learn more you could read the DLO ( Digital Learning Object ) above.
I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Saturday, 21 December 2019
SLJ | Swimming to Safety
LI: To research about the people who change the world.
For the 2nd task of day 5 we had to summarise the story of famous refugee swimmer Yusra Mardini. If you don't know about who Yusra Mardini is or what she did, then you can learn more from the DLO ( Digital Learning Object ) above.
For the 2nd task of day 5 we had to summarise the story of famous refugee swimmer Yusra Mardini. If you don't know about who Yusra Mardini is or what she did, then you can learn more from the DLO ( Digital Learning Object ) above.
SLJ | National Treasure
LI: To research about the people who change the world.
For the day 5 task 1 we had to list three things important to us and why. The three things that are important family, love and peoples health. To learn more about why I chose those things, you could read the DLO ( Digital Learning Object ) above.
SLJ | Worth Her Weight In Gold
LI: To research about people who change the world.
For the last task of day 4 we had to create a travel poster for a country of our choice. I chose England, I had to list places I recomend and a bit of information about those places. If you would like to find out more about what I wrote then read the DLO ( Digital Learning Object ) above.
For the last task of day 4 we had to create a travel poster for a country of our choice. I chose England, I had to list places I recomend and a bit of information about those places. If you would like to find out more about what I wrote then read the DLO ( Digital Learning Object ) above.
Thursday, 19 December 2019
SLJ | Whats in a name
LI: To research about the people who changed the world.
For the day 4 task 2 we had the chance to change our names. This task was based on Muhammad Ali, because he was born with a different name but he changed it because he became muslim. My current name is Oscar but if I had the chance to change my name it would be Jack.
For the day 4 task 2 we had the chance to change our names. This task was based on Muhammad Ali, because he was born with a different name but he changed it because he became muslim. My current name is Oscar but if I had the chance to change my name it would be Jack.
SLJ | Making a Racket
LI: To research about people who change the world.
For the Day 4 Task 1 we had to watch a video about Serena or Venus Williams. After the video we had to list down three facts from the video. I chose to watch the video about Serena Williams. To find out more look at the text above.
SLJ | Achieving our dreams
LI: To write down 6 ways we can support our friends with there careers.
For the day 3 task 3 we had to list six different ways we can support our friends with their chosen careers. My friend Andrew wanted to become rugby player. To learn more about the ways I can support my friend, read the DLO ( Digital Learning Object ) above.
For the day 3 task 3 we had to list six different ways we can support our friends with their chosen careers. My friend Andrew wanted to become rugby player. To learn more about the ways I can support my friend, read the DLO ( Digital Learning Object ) above.
Wednesday, 18 December 2019
SLJ | Defying the Odds
For day 3 task 2 we had to chose a famous basketball player, then we had to ask them five questions. I chose Steven Adams. We had to pretend we were interviewing them. To find out more about the questions I asked watched the video above.
SLJ | Rugby Superstars
LI: To list three superpowers, why we want them & what we would use the for.
For the day 3 task 1 of the SLJ we read about Jonah Lomu & Richie Mccaw. We learn't that they had 'superpowers' which gave us our next task. We had to write three superpowers we would want for the day, we also had to list what we would do with those powers. To find out more about the powers I chose & what I'd do with them, watch the video above.
Tuesday, 17 December 2019
Oxfam Poster | SLJ
LI: To choose a charity and make a poster about it.
Today for the Day 1 Task 2 we had to choose a charity and we had to write what they do. I chose Oxfam because, I honestly like how they're helping areas that have been wrecked. In the poster I included information about Oxfam.
Today for the Day 1 Task 2 we had to choose a charity and we had to write what they do. I chose Oxfam because, I honestly like how they're helping areas that have been wrecked. In the poster I included information about Oxfam.
SLJ | Discovering Aoteroa
LI: To show my cultures.
For the Day 1 task 2 we had to show we we're from. We had to mark the places we're from, I chose to mark where I live now first, then my parents, then myself. My mum is from Niue and England, while my dad is from Samoa. My mum is from england because of her cousins.
SLJ | Setting Sail
LI: To list 10 food items to bring to a trip at sea.
For the first day in the SLJ we had to list 10 things we'd take on a voyage. The catch was we had no fridge or freezer. We also had to write why we were taking those food items. I named, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and more on the document above.
SLJ | Mircale on the Hudson
LI: To create a paraghraph about something that we or someone we know did bravely.
For the final D2 SLJ task we had to write about something we did, it could've also been someone we know. I wrote about the time that me and my cousin went to rainbows end for my 10th birthday. We first learnt about Mr Chesley Sullenberger ( Sully ) who saved over 100 people from death on a falling plane. He saved those people by skimming the plane across the Hudson River.
For the final D2 SLJ task we had to write about something we did, it could've also been someone we know. I wrote about the time that me and my cousin went to rainbows end for my 10th birthday. We first learnt about Mr Chesley Sullenberger ( Sully ) who saved over 100 people from death on a falling plane. He saved those people by skimming the plane across the Hudson River.
SLJ | One small step for man
LI: To create a poem about Neil Armstrong landing on the moon.
We had to create a poem about how Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. We could choose which kind of poem we were going to use, For example a Haiku, a limereck and others. I chose to do a Haiku. The rythym of a Haiku is 575 (The syllables).
We had to create a poem about how Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. We could choose which kind of poem we were going to use, For example a Haiku, a limereck and others. I chose to do a Haiku. The rythym of a Haiku is 575 (The syllables).
SLJ | Up in the air
LI: To show the similarities and differences between Jean Batten & Amelia Earhart.
For the first activity of the second day of the SLJ we had to go on a venn diagram. On the venn diagram we had to show the similarities and differences of Jean Batten and Amelia Earhart. The activity was called flying solo.
Friday, 13 December 2019
Pepeha | SLJ
LI: To write a pepeha.
Today for the summer learning journey teasers. We had to write our pepeha. Our pepeha's had to include our local mountain, our local river, the country/city/town we live in and our first name. All of these had to be written in maori.
Maths | Fractions
LI: To define "Fraction".
Today in maths we had to make examples of fraction sentences. We had to write a set number ( a random number ) and a fraction ( thirds, quarters, fifths or tenths ), we then had to write the math equation and then we had to write it as if it was a sentence. We had to use this method with thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths.
Reading | Roald Dahl
LI: To use a range on comprehension questions to go deeper into the text.
Today in reading we had to finish of all of our tasks and our book. We then had to link all the work we had done in a google drawing.
Today in reading we had to finish of all of our tasks and our book. We then had to link all the work we had done in a google drawing.
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Maori | Maori Numbers
LI: To recap the numbers in Maori.
This week in Maori we were recaping the Maori numbers from one to ten. We also had to fill in missing spots with numbers. We could choose what numbers we used. We also learnt that kore means zero, rau is hundreds, mano is thousands and miriona is millions. For example 243 in maori would be, rua te kau wha ma toru.
Kiwi Can | Fun Day
LI: To reflect on what we've learn't in Kiwi Can.
This week in Kiwi Can we had a fun day. In a fun day we get to play some games for the whole time were there. Before we played games we had reflected on what we had learn't over the terms. We learn't about respect, integrity, resilience & positive relationships.
The first game we played was hot potato. We had to get in to a circle and pass the ball around, we also had to sing a chant. The chant was "hot potato fast, hot potato slow, hot potato, hot potato, out you go" When the chant finished, whoever had to ball was out. The second game we played was called musical cones. This game is very similar to musical chairs but instead of a chair, you have to grab a cone and put it on your head. The next game was called bop, In bop we Mr Simanu would point to one of us and we would have to say "bop" before he finishes a sentence. There were other actions we had to do like an elephant. The last game was a color game. When Mr Simanu called out a color we would have to do an action specific to the color.
This week in Kiwi Can we had a fun day. In a fun day we get to play some games for the whole time were there. Before we played games we had reflected on what we had learn't over the terms. We learn't about respect, integrity, resilience & positive relationships.
The first game we played was hot potato. We had to get in to a circle and pass the ball around, we also had to sing a chant. The chant was "hot potato fast, hot potato slow, hot potato, hot potato, out you go" When the chant finished, whoever had to ball was out. The second game we played was called musical cones. This game is very similar to musical chairs but instead of a chair, you have to grab a cone and put it on your head. The next game was called bop, In bop we Mr Simanu would point to one of us and we would have to say "bop" before he finishes a sentence. There were other actions we had to do like an elephant. The last game was a color game. When Mr Simanu called out a color we would have to do an action specific to the color.
Friday, 6 December 2019
Lorde Information | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To do a task of the S.L.J.
Today in LS1 we all had to do a task from the summer learning journey. The first task was a profile page for Lorde. The summer learning journey is a programme that you can take part of in the summer holidays ( If you're in New Zealand ). You can take part in this programme because you can keep your mind sharp over the holidays. The task is open to the manaiakalani. To find out more information about Lorde read the poster below.
Today in LS1 we all had to do a task from the summer learning journey. The first task was a profile page for Lorde. The summer learning journey is a programme that you can take part of in the summer holidays ( If you're in New Zealand ). You can take part in this programme because you can keep your mind sharp over the holidays. The task is open to the manaiakalani. To find out more information about Lorde read the poster below.
LI: To make a smart comment
Today for commenting I commenting I commented on my friend/cousins blog. A smart comment must include positive feedback in the form of question and a greeting with a goodbye. I commented on Lukah's commenting blog post about commenting on Chris's commenting blog post about commenting on Bella's blog post.
SSR Selfie
LI: To summarise and retell a text.
This week for SSR Selfie my book was called the human body. My book is non-fiction and it tells you interesting facts about the human body. I also had to answer questions like what the book title is, who the author is, who the illustrator or photographer is and more on the slide below.
This week for SSR Selfie my book was called the human body. My book is non-fiction and it tells you interesting facts about the human body. I also had to answer questions like what the book title is, who the author is, who the illustrator or photographer is and more on the slide below.
Fractions | Maths
LI: To define "fraction".
For maths today instead of working on our planes, we worked on learning about fractions. Fractions are whole objects divided in to equal groups. We were also learning about fractions of sets. To learn about fractions we had to fold pieces of paper in to those fractions.
For maths today instead of working on our planes, we worked on learning about fractions. Fractions are whole objects divided in to equal groups. We were also learning about fractions of sets. To learn about fractions we had to fold pieces of paper in to those fractions.
Basic Facts
LI: To remember basic facts
This week for basic facts I had to answer which are addition, subtraction, multiplacation and division. I did Addition and subtraction up to 5 because I knew it would be quick for me to complete.
This week for basic facts I had to answer which are addition, subtraction, multiplacation and division. I did Addition and subtraction up to 5 because I knew it would be quick for me to complete.

Writing | Narrative Hook
LI: To revise the structure of a recount and reaffirm the marking criteria.
Today in writing we were writing the hooks to our narrative. Our hooks couldn't be to informative. A hook catches a readers attention so that they want to keep reading. We also had to choose if we wanted to do a narrative based on strange natural disasters or a cure for reversed growth.
Reading | Novel Study
LI: Novel study.
For a follow up task I have chose to do a news article about George's Marvellous Medicine. For this task I had to include a headline, photo & caption, article structure and an audio recording of witness ( if we wanted to ). I learnt by making my new article on Canva.
For a follow up task I have chose to do a news article about George's Marvellous Medicine. For this task I had to include a headline, photo & caption, article structure and an audio recording of witness ( if we wanted to ). I learnt by making my new article on Canva.
Thursday, 5 December 2019
Cybersmart | Legal images
LI: To show how to find a legal.
Today in cybersmart we were learning about how to find/identify a legal image. A legal image must be appropriate and it gives you concent to use it. There were three different ways and those ways are the slow way, the faster way and the super speedy way. To find out more about these ways you can watch the video below.
Today in cybersmart we were learning about how to find/identify a legal image. A legal image must be appropriate and it gives you concent to use it. There were three different ways and those ways are the slow way, the faster way and the super speedy way. To find out more about these ways you can watch the video below.
Kiwi Sport | Tennis
LI: To put everything we learnt in to solos tennis.
Today in tennis we were putting everything we've learnt in to solos tennis. We had to use the forehand, backhand, the ready position & our footwork. On the court it was like last week, there was a champion and a challenger.
Today in tennis we were putting everything we've learnt in to solos tennis. We had to use the forehand, backhand, the ready position & our footwork. On the court it was like last week, there was a champion and a challenger.
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
Maori Times
LI: To learn about the Maori times.
For last weeks task in Maori we had to choose between two google documents. In the document I chose, we had to translate Maori times. I learnt by doing this task and figuring out the Maori times using the Maori numbers.
For last weeks task in Maori we had to choose between two google documents. In the document I chose, we had to translate Maori times. I learnt by doing this task and figuring out the Maori times using the Maori numbers.
Maori | Days of the week
LI: To learn about the Maori days of the week.
Today in Maori I was translating days and months. There were some assimilation and traditional names that were mixed up. We had to put them all in order. We then had to answer some other questions like when is our birthday or when does our school have assembley.
Today in Maori I was translating days and months. There were some assimilation and traditional names that were mixed up. We had to put them all in order. We then had to answer some other questions like when is our birthday or when does our school have assembley.
Kiwi Can | Respect for others
LI: To respect others differences.
Today in Kiwi Can we were continuing with respecting others for their differences. Our energizer was called mirror. To play the game we made two lines with people facing eachother from each line. One of the lines would be people and mirror, the people then had to do an action and the mirror would repeat the action. We then talked about our needs and desires. Our needs are things we actually need to get through the day, were as our desires are just things we want. In this activity we also had to respect each other for our abilities.
Today in Kiwi Can we were continuing with respecting others for their differences. Our energizer was called mirror. To play the game we made two lines with people facing eachother from each line. One of the lines would be people and mirror, the people then had to do an action and the mirror would repeat the action. We then talked about our needs and desires. Our needs are things we actually need to get through the day, were as our desires are just things we want. In this activity we also had to respect each other for our abilities.
Friday, 29 November 2019
Just Frame It Brochure

LI: To advertise a product.
Today in LS1 we had to make an advertisment. Our advertisments could be a brochure, poster or a video. The advertisment had to be about LS1's product, frames. They also had to include our company name, Just Frame It. The difference between a brochure and a poster is that a poster is in one place and has very little text. Where as a brochure you can take it anywhere and it has alot of information on it.
Thursday, 28 November 2019
Kiwi Sport | Doubles Tennis
LI: To play doubles tennis.
Today in tennis we were playing doubles. In doubles there are two duos who play eachother. Both players in the team needed turns hitting the ball. If the ball was coming inbetween eachother, the person closer to the ball would hit it. We practiced by playing doubles.
Today in tennis we were playing doubles. In doubles there are two duos who play eachother. Both players in the team needed turns hitting the ball. If the ball was coming inbetween eachother, the person closer to the ball would hit it. We practiced by playing doubles.
Wednesday, 27 November 2019
Kiwi Can | Respect for others
LI: To respect others for their differences.
Today in Kiwi Can we were learning about respecting others. We were also respecting others beliefs, ideas and customs. One of the ways you can show respect to others is learning about there culture, religions & customs.
To learn about this we played an activity called Spot The Diffference. To play we had to get in to pairs, one person would turn around while the other person changes their appearance. Once the person turns back around they would have to try and spot what they changed. They would then swap the roles. I felt this was an important activity and topic to learn about.
Today in Kiwi Can we were learning about respecting others. We were also respecting others beliefs, ideas and customs. One of the ways you can show respect to others is learning about there culture, religions & customs.
To learn about this we played an activity called Spot The Diffference. To play we had to get in to pairs, one person would turn around while the other person changes their appearance. Once the person turns back around they would have to try and spot what they changed. They would then swap the roles. I felt this was an important activity and topic to learn about.
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
LI: To make a smart comment
Today for commenting I commenting I commented on my friend/cousins blog. A smart comment must include positive feedback in the form of question and a greeting with a goodbye. I commented on Lukah's commenting blog post about commenting on Chris's commenting blog post about commenting on Bella's blog post.
Basic Facts
LI: To remember basic facts
This week for basic facts I had to answer which are addition, subtraction, multiplacation and division. I did Addition up to 20 because I knew it would be quick for me to complete.
This week for basic facts I had to answer which are addition, subtraction, multiplacation and division. I did Addition up to 20 because I knew it would be quick for me to complete.
Athletics Day
LI: to learn how to work cooperatively with our team mates.
Last week Friday all classes were split up into four teams. Each team had a color and the teans were blue, red, yellow & green. Each team had to play against each other in games to win the games. We played Lilly pad gladiator, rob the nest, long jump, sponge relay, shot put, hoola hoops, bean bag race, egg and spoon race and the frizbie frenzie.
Last week Friday all classes were split up into four teams. Each team had a color and the teans were blue, red, yellow & green. Each team had to play against each other in games to win the games. We played Lilly pad gladiator, rob the nest, long jump, sponge relay, shot put, hoola hoops, bean bag race, egg and spoon race and the frizbie frenzie.
Maths | Testing Measurments
LI: To use statistical and scientific methods to study the effect of wing span and area on lift.
For math's this week we had to choose a type of plane (Glider, Stunt and Dart), and a plane design. We then had to get into a group of seven and throw our planes, we then had to throw our planes and measure how far they flew and record the measurements on a google sheet. My interpretation is the more you the flight distance becomes shorter.
Inquiry | Coffe Shop
LI: To balance supply and demand for a profit.
Today for inquiry we were playing an educational game called Coffe Shop. In this game we had to try and make as much money as we could in 14 days ( 2 weeks ) . To do this we first had to supply our inventory. We also had to meet the demand. The more money we got the more supply we could get. Unfortunately if we bought too many supplys they would waste, like spoiled milk. We then had to take screenshots and screencastifys from the game.
Today for inquiry we were playing an educational game called Coffe Shop. In this game we had to try and make as much money as we could in 14 days ( 2 weeks ) . To do this we first had to supply our inventory. We also had to meet the demand. The more money we got the more supply we could get. Unfortunately if we bought too many supplys they would waste, like spoiled milk. We then had to take screenshots and screencastifys from the game.
Writing | Character & Setting Description
LI: To revise the structure of a recount and reaffirm the marking criteria.
Today in writing we were planning a narrative about 2 people. First we had to come up with the characters in our groups. We also had to come up with the characters traits, like there ups and downs. Then at the end each group would decide which character they liked the most. We would then do the same thing but with places. After we had decided everything we had to write a description about the two.
Monday, 25 November 2019
Reading | Roald Dahl Author Study
LI: Novel study.
Today in reading the task I chose was about studying Roald Dahl. In this author study I included who Roald Dahl is, Where Roald Dahl was from, his life span, his family tree & his past jobs. I learnt by making a google slideshow about who he is, where he is from, his life span, his family and his past jobs.
Today in reading the task I chose was about studying Roald Dahl. In this author study I included who Roald Dahl is, Where Roald Dahl was from, his life span, his family tree & his past jobs. I learnt by making a google slideshow about who he is, where he is from, his life span, his family and his past jobs.
Thursday, 21 November 2019
Kiwi Can | Patience
LI: To learn about patience
Today in Kiwi Can we started learning about patience. Being patient means you follow instructions instead of jumping ahead. Our energizer was called move and grab. To play we had to have one of our hands flat and the other hand in the shape of a gun. The gun hand has to move quickly and the flat hand has to try and catch the other persons gun hand. The activity we played was about a patience chain. Mr Simanu would squeeze our shoulders then we had to carry it down in a chain. We weren't allowed to look back and we weren't allowed to squeeze without a person squeezing our shoulder first. At the end of each line there would be a runner and when the runner feels a squeeze they would race to grab a cone. The last game we were playing was called end of the road. This game was based on GKQ, we would form a line and then we would go down the line until the end of the road.
Today in Kiwi Can we started learning about patience. Being patient means you follow instructions instead of jumping ahead. Our energizer was called move and grab. To play we had to have one of our hands flat and the other hand in the shape of a gun. The gun hand has to move quickly and the flat hand has to try and catch the other persons gun hand. The activity we played was about a patience chain. Mr Simanu would squeeze our shoulders then we had to carry it down in a chain. We weren't allowed to look back and we weren't allowed to squeeze without a person squeezing our shoulder first. At the end of each line there would be a runner and when the runner feels a squeeze they would race to grab a cone. The last game we were playing was called end of the road. This game was based on GKQ, we would form a line and then we would go down the line until the end of the road.
Kiwi sport | Tennis
LI: To learn how to full serve.
Today in tennis we were learning about full serves. To do a full serve you have to do over arm to hit the ball to the other persons side. Serving is when you deliver the ball to the other player. We also had to remember to serve diagonal. We were also playing in doubles.
Today in tennis we were learning about full serves. To do a full serve you have to do over arm to hit the ball to the other persons side. Serving is when you deliver the ball to the other player. We also had to remember to serve diagonal. We were also playing in doubles.
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
Maori | Wiki Ono
LI: To translate Maori words and phrases
Today in Maori we were translating Maori words and phrases. First we had to learn about pois. A poi is a traditional Maori instrument that helps with cordination and flexibility. We also learnt how to properly hold a poi. We also had to translate words from a Maori song in to english.
Today in Maori we were translating Maori words and phrases. First we had to learn about pois. A poi is a traditional Maori instrument that helps with cordination and flexibility. We also learnt how to properly hold a poi. We also had to translate words from a Maori song in to english.
Friday, 15 November 2019
Maths | Paper airplanes
LI: to use statistical and scientific methods to study the effect of wing span and area on lift.
Today in maths, we are still continuing on with paper planes. We had tested the flight distance of the paper planes. The results were different to our prediction. I think some problems were that we didn't use the same power of throwing the paper planes. I think that the other problem was that we didn't fold the papers well.
Today in maths, we are still continuing on with paper planes. We had tested the flight distance of the paper planes. The results were different to our prediction. I think some problems were that we didn't use the same power of throwing the paper planes. I think that the other problem was that we didn't fold the papers well.
Reading | Roald Dahl word list
LI: Novel Study
Today in reading the task I was completing was a word list. First we had to choose a character from our Roald Dahl book. Next we had to describe that character using 10 words. After we had finished that part we had to find 10 new words in our book along with their definitions.
Today in reading the task I was completing was a word list. First we had to choose a character from our Roald Dahl book. Next we had to describe that character using 10 words. After we had finished that part we had to find 10 new words in our book along with their definitions.
Thursday, 14 November 2019
LI: To learn how a business works.
Today we had a special guest who was teaching us about how she started a business. Her name is Michal. Her business is about reusing unwanted food and selling it to other people in need of food. She told us that she had to figure out a unique name and logo. This app took about 2 years of planning. You also need different ways of promoting your business like advertisements and self promotion.
In Foodprint stores sign up to Foodprint to give their unwanted food. Each year 1.3 billion tonnes of food are wasted and put into landfill, and this is bad because of climate change. Right now there are over 200 stores who have signed up and there are over 17400 people using the app. Michal's app is a social business which means they care about their profit, the people and the enviorment. I recommend this app because it can save you money.
Today we had a special guest who was teaching us about how she started a business. Her name is Michal. Her business is about reusing unwanted food and selling it to other people in need of food. She told us that she had to figure out a unique name and logo. This app took about 2 years of planning. You also need different ways of promoting your business like advertisements and self promotion.
In Foodprint stores sign up to Foodprint to give their unwanted food. Each year 1.3 billion tonnes of food are wasted and put into landfill, and this is bad because of climate change. Right now there are over 200 stores who have signed up and there are over 17400 people using the app. Michal's app is a social business which means they care about their profit, the people and the enviorment. I recommend this app because it can save you money.
Kiwi Can | Respectful Communication
LI: To learn about respectful communication
In Kiwi Can we were still learning about respectuful communication. Our energizer was a maths related game. First we had to put eather one or two hands behind our back with a partener. At the same time you would bring out your hand(s) and with 1-10 fingers, the first person to bring count all fingers ( including your parteners ) is the winner. Then we talked a bit more about respectful communication and how we can use it more often. Our activity was called musical cones and in this game we had to dance and grab cones as fast as we could. First we would dance to a song and then when the song stopped we had to try and be as fast as we could to grab a cone, and to secure it on your head.
In Kiwi Can we were still learning about respectuful communication. Our energizer was a maths related game. First we had to put eather one or two hands behind our back with a partener. At the same time you would bring out your hand(s) and with 1-10 fingers, the first person to bring count all fingers ( including your parteners ) is the winner. Then we talked a bit more about respectful communication and how we can use it more often. Our activity was called musical cones and in this game we had to dance and grab cones as fast as we could. First we would dance to a song and then when the song stopped we had to try and be as fast as we could to grab a cone, and to secure it on your head.
Kiwi Sport | Tennis
LI: To learn about serving.
In Kiwisport we were starting to learn about serving the ball. First we had to do a shot put throw with our dominant hand ( Our strong hand or the hand we write with ) and we had to try and hit the cones on the other persons side for a warm up. To serve the ball we had to put the racket on our shoulder, then with our left hand we have to throw the ball up and then hit the ball high with our racket. When we are serving we don't serve straight we had to serve diagonally.
2019 Manaiakalani film festival: Wow human evolution
Today panmure bridge school ( PBS ) went to the Manaiakalani film festival which was at sylvia park. We did this to watch the movies from the Tamaki area. The movie I liked was " Wow, Human Evoulution " From Tamaki college. It was very funny and also educational because it tells us about human evolution. If you want to check out there great song click this link.
Māori | Ataata Wiki Wha | Macrons
LI: To learn about a macron, and also how to use it propley.
In māori I had to first answer 3 questions. Why do māori people ask "where are you from?", Why it is important and what is the role of a macron. If you want to know some answers to this question you can check the document below. Next we had to find out the translations of different māori phrases, but we also had to find the missing macrons.
In māori I had to first answer 3 questions. Why do māori people ask "where are you from?", Why it is important and what is the role of a macron. If you want to know some answers to this question you can check the document below. Next we had to find out the translations of different māori phrases, but we also had to find the missing macrons.
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
2019 Manaiakalani film festival: All Stars
I watched "All stars" from St Patricks school. It was very cool and very inspirational, they are very small but they are very smart. go check out the video by clicking this link.
Friday, 8 November 2019
Maths | Aerodynamics
LI: to use statistical and scientific methods to study the effect of wing span and area on lift.
In maths we are learning about aerodynamics and paper planes. This time we were learning about the independent and dependent variables. Independent variables are parts that can be changed without changing anything else, while the dependent variable depends on changing something else to change it. We had to figure out how many paper planes we were going to make. Then we to think of what our variable would be ( the thing you change ), our variable was going to be the wingspan. We made ours from 2cm - 18 cm. We also had to record our data on a sheet.
Writing | Figurative Language with Characters
LI: To investigate figurative language.
In writing we are still learning about figurative language. This week we got to choose three characters of our choice, then we had to write a simile, a metaphor, a hyperbole & a personificaiton. A simile is describing two things using "like" or "as", A metaphor is the opposite of a similie, you have to describe two things without using like or as, A hyperbole a exaggerating something like "oh bro, my house is like a mile away" & a personification is giving a object human abilities like "the pen danced across the paper. We also made a slideshow with multiple famous characters.
Kiwi Sport | Tennis
LI: To learn the forehand and backhand volley.
In Tennis we started to learn about the volley using the forehand and backhand technique. Volleying is when you repeatedly hit the ball back and forth without letting the ball bounce. First we were just practicing a higher backhand and forehand. After that we were volleying to our parteners, we were also trying to see how many volleys we could get.
In Tennis we started to learn about the volley using the forehand and backhand technique. Volleying is when you repeatedly hit the ball back and forth without letting the ball bounce. First we were just practicing a higher backhand and forehand. After that we were volleying to our parteners, we were also trying to see how many volleys we could get.
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Kiwi Can | Respectful Language
LI: To learn about respectful language.
In Kiwi Can we were starting to learn about respectful language. Respectful language is when you have a positive attidude and you are using formal language. The first game we played was rock, paper, scissors but with a few changes. So we all had to find someone then we had to verse them in a match of rock, paper, scissors and if you lost then you would go on your knees. Eventhough you were on your knees you could still verse people who are also on there knees. You could only verse people who are the same as you for example if you're on your knees you can only verse people on there knees same goes for standing up. Our last activity was called animal choir. First we had to split eachother up into groups. Next each group would be given an animal ( for examlpe: Kitty, Kitty, Meow, Meow or Doggy, Doggy woof woof ) sound. One person from the middle would point to a group and they would have to make there noise or phrase.
In Kiwi Can we were starting to learn about respectful language. Respectful language is when you have a positive attidude and you are using formal language. The first game we played was rock, paper, scissors but with a few changes. So we all had to find someone then we had to verse them in a match of rock, paper, scissors and if you lost then you would go on your knees. Eventhough you were on your knees you could still verse people who are also on there knees. You could only verse people who are the same as you for example if you're on your knees you can only verse people on there knees same goes for standing up. Our last activity was called animal choir. First we had to split eachother up into groups. Next each group would be given an animal ( for examlpe: Kitty, Kitty, Meow, Meow or Doggy, Doggy woof woof ) sound. One person from the middle would point to a group and they would have to make there noise or phrase.
Friday, 1 November 2019
Reading | Roald Dahl
LI: To study a novel.
In reading we are trying to read and finish a Roald Dahl book, along with that task we are also trying to complete other tasks related to our book. My book is Georges Marvellous Medicine, and in this character web I had to describe how a character from my book looks like, there feelings, how they act and there personality. We also have to complete reading to a specific chapter which was from chapter 3 - 5 for the people with the same book as me. Along with that we also have to complete multiple other tasks along the weeks.
Thursday, 31 October 2019
Kiwi Sport | Tennis
LI: To learn the basic grip on a Tennis Racket
Our new Kiwi Sport for the next 6 weeks will be tennis. The person coaching us for the next 6 weeks is coach Peter. Today we were just learning about the different techniques. Coach peter said that for our warm up we had to get in pairs. One of us would drop a Tennis ball and the other person tried to catch it, This warmed up our reactions. Our activity helped us learn the forehand and backhand technique. The forehand is when your dominant hand ( The one you write with ) is at the bottom of the racket. The backhand is when the dominant hand is still on the bottom but your other hand goes above the bottom hand.
Maori | Ko wai to hoa
LI: To learn new Maori words and phrases
In Maori our new task today was to watch the 3rd part of the video. After the video we had to translate the words and phrases into english. After we had finished the video and the translations we had to answer questions about ourselves, the problem was we had to translate the questions into english as well.
Legal and Illegal Images | Cybersmart
LI: To understand legal and illegal images.
In cybersmart we are learning about legal and illegal images and how to identify them. Legal images are appropriate and give you permission to use it, but illegal images are inappropriate and do not give you the right to use it. We also had to find 2 websites that we can get images from and photos of illegal and legal images.
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Kiwi Can | Respect
LI: To learn about respect.
In Kiwi Can our enrgizer was called challenges. In this activity we had to get into 4 groups and each group had a leader. The leader would go up to the Kiwi can teachers and they would give us a task to tell our group. The group members had to listen to there leader and complete what the leader said. After that we talked a little more about respect and how to respect ourselves. Afterwards we had our activity which was called human knot. We split into two groups and we had to hold peoples hands with both of our hands. The people you were going to hold hands with couldn't be next to you. You had to try and untangle you and your group first.
In Kiwi Can our enrgizer was called challenges. In this activity we had to get into 4 groups and each group had a leader. The leader would go up to the Kiwi can teachers and they would give us a task to tell our group. The group members had to listen to there leader and complete what the leader said. After that we talked a little more about respect and how to respect ourselves. Afterwards we had our activity which was called human knot. We split into two groups and we had to hold peoples hands with both of our hands. The people you were going to hold hands with couldn't be next to you. You had to try and untangle you and your group first.
Thursday, 24 October 2019
Kiwi Can | Respect
LI: To learn about respect
In Kiwi Can we continue to learn about respect. In this session our energizer was called "VS" and we had to show our opionion about what we like more for example "Chicken nuggets vs Fries" So if you like fries more you would go to the right side or if you like chicken nuggets more you would go to the left side. Each side would then share a statement about why there choice is better. The Kiwi Can leaders would then choose what side had the better statement and then they would collect a point. Then we were talking about respect again. Our activity was wisdom vs brawn. In this activity we split the class up and see if they can do a physical activity or multiple riddles. We would then come together to talk about what we did.
In Kiwi Can we continue to learn about respect. In this session our energizer was called "VS" and we had to show our opionion about what we like more for example "Chicken nuggets vs Fries" So if you like fries more you would go to the right side or if you like chicken nuggets more you would go to the left side. Each side would then share a statement about why there choice is better. The Kiwi Can leaders would then choose what side had the better statement and then they would collect a point. Then we were talking about respect again. Our activity was wisdom vs brawn. In this activity we split the class up and see if they can do a physical activity or multiple riddles. We would then come together to talk about what we did.
Maori | Nga Atua | Wiki Rua
LI: To finish tasks that relate to Maori.
In Maori my group ( group 1 ) had to do one more main task which was Nga Atua ( Finding the Maori gods ). After we had finished that task we were trying to say where we are from in Maori ( No hea koe? - Where are you from?, No Tamaki Makaurau - From Auckland ). We were also talking to our Maori teacher about different Maori phrases.
In Maori my group ( group 1 ) had to do one more main task which was Nga Atua ( Finding the Maori gods ). After we had finished that task we were trying to say where we are from in Maori ( No hea koe? - Where are you from?, No Tamaki Makaurau - From Auckland ). We were also talking to our Maori teacher about different Maori phrases.
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
Maths | Definition Finding
LI: To reasearch
This week we had to complete an activity in order to find out our study topic for this terms maths. We did this in groups. The activity we had to do was to find the definition and the function of specific words that related to the topic. The words we had to find definitions and functions for were hints to our topic. Not all words had a function. We had to make a table and do some research on the words. Once we finished finding the definitions and functions, we had to put our prediction at the bottom the google doc and say what we thought the topic was going to be.
There were 21 words in total. We had to divide and conquer to complete the task within a certain time limit. After we discussed the answers we had to say our predictions and specifically state every answer we thought as well as the prediction. We are now studying aircrafts.
Friday, 18 October 2019
Inquiry | Companies
LI: Finding the definition of a enterprise and buisness
This week in inquiry we had to figure out the definition of enterprise and buisness. Our first task was getting into groups of three ( or four ) and discussing what the definition of enterprise was with our group members. Next we had to find 100 buisness, what they sell and there price range. For example KFC sells chips, nuggets, drinks, burgers and more, there price range is from $1 - maybe $15. The definition of enterprise is a bold or complex project and the definition of buisness is " a buisness can earn profit for the products they sell.
Reading | Vocab Builder & Rap Lyric or Poetic Verse
LI: To Build knowledge of vocabulary, and links words create to the wider world.
This week in reading we are trying to make two slides about building our vocabulary and finding out if a verse is a rap lyric or a poetic verse. In the vocab builder we had to choose a label ( a item ), how the label functions, its associations, the category it is in ( a fork is a piece of cutlery ), the similarities and differences between the label and the association and lastly multiple meanings of it. In the rap lyric vs poetic verse we had to find multiple rap lyrics and poetic verses and people had to guess if it was a poetic verse or a rap lyric.Writing | Practice Test
LI: To write a proper imaginitive recount
This week in writing we were trying to recap things about a recount. We got into test conditions ( Being quiet and making sure no one can see our screen ) and then we had 40 minutes to write a recount. Our teacher had given us a idea which was us winning 1 million dollars and what we would do with it. In our recounts we had to include an Idea, structure & language ( TREE ), organisation ( time order ), sentence structure ( Simple/Compound/Complex ), Vocabulary ( The "Fancy" words you use ), Punctuation & Spelling. After the 40 minutes we had to mark ourselves in the 7 catergories then we had to find a partner and see if they would agree ( we had to rank ourselves from 3 - 5 ).
This week in writing we were trying to recap things about a recount. We got into test conditions ( Being quiet and making sure no one can see our screen ) and then we had 40 minutes to write a recount. Our teacher had given us a idea which was us winning 1 million dollars and what we would do with it. In our recounts we had to include an Idea, structure & language ( TREE ), organisation ( time order ), sentence structure ( Simple/Compound/Complex ), Vocabulary ( The "Fancy" words you use ), Punctuation & Spelling. After the 40 minutes we had to mark ourselves in the 7 catergories then we had to find a partner and see if they would agree ( we had to rank ourselves from 3 - 5 ).
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Math Recap
LI: To recall multiple core skills.
This week in maths we had to recap over multiple skills. Some of the skills were basic facts, tidy numbers, place value, repeated addition, rounding & compensating, written algorithim and reversing. We also had to use adding, subtracting, multiplying, and division in a game called scattergories. To play all you need is a pen/pencil, a piece of paper or a book and friends. Everyone gets one question like 15 addition and then you have 2 minutes to write down as many ways to add up to 15.
To do reversing a question could be 35 − 23, instead of subtracting it you can try add it for example: 23 + ? = 35 ( 2 + 23 = 25 + 10 = 35 ) ( 2+10 = 12 ), the answer is 12. We also had to calculate the area & perimiter and we had to identify the fractions.
This week in maths we had to recap over multiple skills. Some of the skills were basic facts, tidy numbers, place value, repeated addition, rounding & compensating, written algorithim and reversing. We also had to use adding, subtracting, multiplying, and division in a game called scattergories. To play all you need is a pen/pencil, a piece of paper or a book and friends. Everyone gets one question like 15 addition and then you have 2 minutes to write down as many ways to add up to 15.
To do reversing a question could be 35 − 23, instead of subtracting it you can try add it for example: 23 + ? = 35 ( 2 + 23 = 25 + 10 = 35 ) ( 2+10 = 12 ), the answer is 12. We also had to calculate the area & perimiter and we had to identify the fractions.
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
LI: To learn about Moari
In our first session of Maori we had to first try get into 4 groups of 6. Each group was given a task and then after some time we would have to rotate to the next task. The tasks my group completed were the Kotahi one were we had to try find the translations to Maori words and we also completed the Whakapakehatia task were we had to watch 2 videos and then translate the phrases into english. My group has finished 2 out of the 4 tasks but the other 2 WIP ( Work In Progress ) tasks will be added soon.
Kiwi Can
LI: To respect ourselves
For the first week in Kiwi Can we had a new teacher ( Kiwi Can leader ) and his name was Mr Simanu ( sorry if I spelt it wrong ). Our new theme is respect and our catchphrase was "R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me". In our energizer we had three commands which were Apple, Banana & Orange. Apple meant we had to jump forward, Orange meant we had to jump backwards & and Banana meant we had to jumps and face the other direction ( 180 or 90 turn ). Then we talked about how & why we should respect ourselves. We can respect ourselves by making sure we are in a healthy condition, and we should respect ourselves because other people can also respect us. Lastly for our activity we were trying to guess between two different options like was I a duck or a skydiver. For each question we got right we would get a point. Some people were also lukcy because they got to have a turn asking questions to other people about themselves.
For the first week in Kiwi Can we had a new teacher ( Kiwi Can leader ) and his name was Mr Simanu ( sorry if I spelt it wrong ). Our new theme is respect and our catchphrase was "R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me". In our energizer we had three commands which were Apple, Banana & Orange. Apple meant we had to jump forward, Orange meant we had to jump backwards & and Banana meant we had to jumps and face the other direction ( 180 or 90 turn ). Then we talked about how & why we should respect ourselves. We can respect ourselves by making sure we are in a healthy condition, and we should respect ourselves because other people can also respect us. Lastly for our activity we were trying to guess between two different options like was I a duck or a skydiver. For each question we got right we would get a point. Some people were also lukcy because they got to have a turn asking questions to other people about themselves.
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Rugby Profile and Performance
This task was about making a Rugby Profile ( Statistics about a player ) and Performance about a player from the country of our choice. The player I chose was TJ Perenara from New Zealand. We had to find information like his date of birth, place of birth, position and more. We could also find out more information about the player.
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Rube Goldberg
LI: to make a working Rube Goldberg machine by using the 6 simple machines.
Over the past weeks, in groups LS1 had to make a Rube Goldberg machine, We used the 6 simple machines. Wheel and axle, Lever, Incline plane, Pulley, Screw & Wedge had to be included. The challenges were turning a Chromebook on, helping Mr Wong roll dice and hitting a putter. Our scenario was turning on the Chromebook.
On the last week our group had managed to get the machine finish. We used four different types of simple machines a wheel and axle, pulley, incline plane and a lever. For the wheel and axle we used a car. For the Pulley we used a string from a yo-yo and latches from the window. For the incline plane we used a marble roll down a ramp. And used the dominoes as the lever.
The most challenging task was creating the machines and trying to apply the 6 simple machines and communicating with our group to know what is going on and how we could help. I'd change another way of putting dominoes up without it falling because we always had to keep putting it up and the amount of sellotape we used.
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
All About All Blacks
LI: To link the positions to the players.
In this task I had to link the players to the positions they play in rugby, Like how Brodie Retalick plays lock and Jonah Lomu plays wing. We could also add some extra information and images so thats what my group did. From this task I learnt more about players and there positions, I also learnt what they look like so next time I can find them.
In this task I had to link the players to the positions they play in rugby, Like how Brodie Retalick plays lock and Jonah Lomu plays wing. We could also add some extra information and images so thats what my group did. From this task I learnt more about players and there positions, I also learnt what they look like so next time I can find them.
Monday, 23 September 2019
RWC | Rugby World Cup
LI: apply inquiry, literacy and numerecy skills to learn about the Rugby World Cup.
For this learning task I had to complete what the time would be in the different countries during the final of the RWC. The final kick off would be at 6pm Japanese time. The time zones of the different countries compared to Japan are shown on the table. For big countries like America, Australia and Canada we had to split them up into west and east coast times. It was very important that we used AM and PM, AM stands for Ante Meridian ( Before Midday ) & PM stands for Post Meridian ( After Midday ). My group also had to convert the times into 24 hour times.
For this learning task I had to complete what the time would be in the different countries during the final of the RWC. The final kick off would be at 6pm Japanese time. The time zones of the different countries compared to Japan are shown on the table. For big countries like America, Australia and Canada we had to split them up into west and east coast times. It was very important that we used AM and PM, AM stands for Ante Meridian ( Before Midday ) & PM stands for Post Meridian ( After Midday ). My group also had to convert the times into 24 hour times.
Friday, 20 September 2019
Reading | Faulty Reasoning
LI: To Understand Faulty Reasoning.
In reading we are trying to understand Faulty Reasoning. Faulty Resoning includes Illogical / Simplified Assumption, Circular Reasoning, Over Generilazation, Biased Argument & Contradiction. The Illogical / Simplified Assumption Means Providing Evidence that doesn't directly support your claim, A Circular Reasoning means supporting a claim thats the same claim as the other, Over Generlization means making a global statement when there are likely exceptions, Contradiction means providing evidence against your argument.
In reading we are trying to understand Faulty Reasoning. Faulty Resoning includes Illogical / Simplified Assumption, Circular Reasoning, Over Generilazation, Biased Argument & Contradiction. The Illogical / Simplified Assumption Means Providing Evidence that doesn't directly support your claim, A Circular Reasoning means supporting a claim thats the same claim as the other, Over Generlization means making a global statement when there are likely exceptions, Contradiction means providing evidence against your argument.
Writing | Advertisment For Thneeds
LI: To Create an Advertisment by using the Knowledge and Skills we have Learnt.
In Writing we are trying to create an advertisment about a fictional item like a Thneed ( From The Lorax ). First we are making a print advertisment and then we had to make a script for a TV Ad. We had to work in groups on a google drawing.
In Writing we are trying to create an advertisment about a fictional item like a Thneed ( From The Lorax ). First we are making a print advertisment and then we had to make a script for a TV Ad. We had to work in groups on a google drawing.
Thursday, 19 September 2019
Swimming | Kiwi Sport
LI: To learn about water safety.
This week in swimming the strokes we were doing were backstroke and freestyle, we also had to do some laps of these strokes. James was working elsewhere so our instructor was Maddee. After the strokes we formed groups and those would race and the winner from all the groups would race eachother to see who is the fastest in Maddees class.
This week in swimming the strokes we were doing were backstroke and freestyle, we also had to do some laps of these strokes. James was working elsewhere so our instructor was Maddee. After the strokes we formed groups and those would race and the winner from all the groups would race eachother to see who is the fastest in Maddees class.
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Kiwi Can | Resilience
LI: To cope with challenges.
We learnt how to face our challenges and experience them. We looked at 3 different types if challenges and wrote about our feelings when we face those challenges. We figured out coping stratieges in groups of three. The types of challenges were Physical, Mental & Social.
We learnt how to face our challenges and experience them. We looked at 3 different types if challenges and wrote about our feelings when we face those challenges. We figured out coping stratieges in groups of three. The types of challenges were Physical, Mental & Social.
Friday, 13 September 2019
Writing | Advertising 3.0
LI: To learn about persuasive tools in advertising.
This week we have made a advertising 3.0 slide just like the last couple of weeks. In the first slide we had to find 3 NZ ( New Zealand ) Celebrities the ad they endorse and the link to the video. In the next slide we had to fill out some questions about an ad called the unsell. Lastly we had to do the second slide again but with a ad of our choice. The ad I chose was the " Katapult Kit Kat " if you want to look at my answers you can read the slide below.
This week we have made a advertising 3.0 slide just like the last couple of weeks. In the first slide we had to find 3 NZ ( New Zealand ) Celebrities the ad they endorse and the link to the video. In the next slide we had to fill out some questions about an ad called the unsell. Lastly we had to do the second slide again but with a ad of our choice. The ad I chose was the " Katapult Kit Kat " if you want to look at my answers you can read the slide below.
Maths | Art WIP ( Work In Progress )
LI: To earn and look after money by creating maths.
In Maths we are trying to make an artwork related to maths. The artworks we can choose from are a Tapa, Geometric Landscapes, Geometric Abstract Art and 3D Object shading. Unfortunatley I didn't get the art done but I have finished my measurements. The art I have chosen to draw is a Geometric Landscape and my measurements are: Height - 27.5 Width - 33.7.
In Maths we are trying to make an artwork related to maths. The artworks we can choose from are a Tapa, Geometric Landscapes, Geometric Abstract Art and 3D Object shading. Unfortunatley I didn't get the art done but I have finished my measurements. The art I have chosen to draw is a Geometric Landscape and my measurements are: Height - 27.5 Width - 33.7.
Thursday, 12 September 2019
Reading | Fun, Fantastic, Fabulous Fitness Flipgrid
LI: To synthesise information for the CRAAP test.

In reading we had to finish our next QAR ( Question Answer Relationship ) which was about Fun, Fantastic, Fabulous Fitness. In QAR There are four different types of questions which are Right There, Think & Search, Author and Me/You & On My Own. Right there means the Answer is right there in the text, A Think & Search question is when the answer may be in the paragraph but you have to search other places to find it, Author and Me/You means using your background knowledge and what the author has told you to come up with your own answer & On My Own means you can walk up to anyone and ask them the question.
Next we had to do our synthesis ( Prior Knowledge - New Informtation - New Understanding ) and then we had to show a script for our flipgrid. To watch my flipgrid click the link below.
Link To Flipgrid:
Link To Flipgrid:
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