Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Kiwi Can

LI: To learn how to solve a problem.
This week at Kiwi Can we had to learn how to solve a problem and the problem we had to fix was to not be shy or scared to ask a question. We had to think of different ways to get around this problem so that we are not afraid to ask someone how to spell or do something.

For our energizer we played a game tha I don't know the name of but I know how to play it. So first you have to get some hula hoops and put in a half cut oval shape. Then make a line were the person at the front has to jump on each one and then once the person of the other team jumps on the hula hoop infront of you then you have to play paper, scissors rock with them, if you win then you move forward, but if you lose then you go back to the back of the line then the next person in your team goes and tries to stop the opponent and if he or she loses then the other teams front person goes and you go on and on. Then we played our game which was mat soccer and if you read my last blog post then you know how to play mat soccer but if you didn't then basicly everyone sits in a circle and they get given a number that goes up to four and if you say number two for example then number two's stand up and the other have to try and hit them while using a ball but you can only roll it and hit it, you have to hit knee or under and the last rule is no stealing the ball when the person next to you has it.

We learnt how to solve a problem that was being shy or scared to ask someone a question but even if your friends make fun of you for not knowing something the important part is, at least you have the answer now so forget about what they say is what Kiwi Can is trying to say I think.

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