Thursday, 23 August 2018

YMCA Lagoon Swimming

LI: To learn how to save people in water who are drowning and panicing.
This week for swimming we had to learn how to save people who are panicing while swimming. We had to think of ways that let us save them but also doesn't make us fall in with them and a way to make sure we don't just swim after them because you might put yourself in danger eswell.

first we had to get into pairs and one person went in the water calling for help, to call for help you have to raise your arm up and shout out "HELP!" theree times and your partener had shouted out help you have to use the pool noodle and then pass some of it to them and then on your side grip on tight and then pull them back in. The next thing we did was we jumped into the water and we tried to go to the deep in and spin our legs in a circle and our arms side to side to keep us up. The very last thing we did was the pencil dive which is were you put your arms to your side and feet to gether and from there you go straight in. if nothing works to breath then lie down on your back with your head facing up so that you can breathe.

We learnt how to save people who are panicing in water, we also learnt how to call for help so that you know that people have a better chance of seeing you and saving you. the last thing we learnt to do was lying down on our backs to breathe.

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