Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Kiwi Can

LI: To learn about respect.
This week for Kiwi Can we had to learn more about respect. We also learnt more about how we can respect our communite. We learnt different way we could respect our communite and what is the oppisite of them and what it could do.

The name of our energizer was called tunnel ball. To play you have to make a circle with you legs open. Once that is done you have to get a ball. You have to try and hit the ball with one hand inbetween a person's legs. If you do they are eliminated from the game. The actual game we played was called arm soccer ( or arm football ). You have to split yourselves into two groups and if you want you can name your groups. The rules are: you can not use two hands or your feet, you can not pick the ball up and you can not hold the ball still. The first to get to ten goals wins. I really enjoyed Kiwi Can and wish I could do this again.

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