Friday, 28 February 2020

Kiwi Sport | Rippa Rugby

LI: To learn the basic skills of Rippa Rugby.
This week LS1 and other classes, had a go a Rippa Rugby down in dunkirk with Marist. Rippa Rugby is a sport were, instead of tackling people, you rip the tags off their hips. Also I have forgot to mention that you were a valcro belt with two tags on both sides of your hips.

Some Basic Rules in Rippa Rugby:
One of the main rules in any Rugby game is passing backwards, In Rippa Rugby whenever you or someone else got ripped ( got 1 or 2 of their tags ripped off of them ) you would then have too pass it backwards to a team mate. That is why it is a good idea to stay behind the player with the ball ( unless he is not on your team ). There is no kicking the ball in Rippa Rugby and an offside only occurs when there is a rip.

What we did:
The 4 things the year 6's did in Rippa Rugby were, playing rats and rabbits, playing octopus, passing drills and having a fun game. In rats and rabbits there are two teams, the rats and the rabbits. Someone calls out rats then the team of rats has to run to a certain point while the rabbits try to rip their tags. Same works for the other side. Octopus is very, very similar to the original game, but for those people who don't know what octopus is, it is a game were their is 1-3 taggers and everyone else has to run past them. Passing drills can be shown in the Yr 6 videos below. Lastly was our fun game of Rippa Rubgy were the girls proved alot better than the boys when it comes to trys.

What I learn't:
The main things I learn't were to make a little W with your hands when you are catching, to shout out a players name when you are receiving or passing and stay behind the player holding the ball. Sorry but I can't upload a video so the link to the video will be here: Yr 5's | Yr 6's

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