Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Print Design Rules

LI: To build an understanding of the Print Design Rules.
Today in LS1 we started to build an understanding of the areas in the print design rules. The four areas of the print design rules are composition, layout, text & colour.

Composition is balancing the text, images, videos and more evenly. The rules for composition in Ls1 are, again having a balance between pictures and sentences and remember to use images that relate to the text.

Layout is making sure everything is visibly and correctley placed. The rules for layout in Ls1 are having margins, align the text and images and use most of the space.

Color is making sure that the colors you use are easy on the eays a they aren't clashing. The rules for color in Ls1 are again, Not using clashing colors, instead use a harmonic colour scheme and using contrasting background and foreground colours.

Text is making sure that all the text you include is the same font and size. The rules in Ls1 for text are Keep consistant fonts and sizes and make sure the text is legible ( Visible/Readable ).

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