Friday, 30 October 2020

Touch rugby | Kiwi sport

This week for touch rugby we focused on how to plant the ball. 

Planting the ball is placing the ball under your legs with both hands on the ball. To practice planting the ball we played a game in pairs. We would have to run to a cone then put our right hand up to initiate the touch. We then planted the ball for our partner to pick up. After our partner had picked up the ball they would have to pass it back to the planter. The planter had to make sure they were behind the person who picked up the ball, so that it wasn't a forward pass.

The second game we played was bibs verses non-bibs. On each team a certain group of people had rugby balls. They had to avoid being tagged by the people on the opposing team that didn't have a ball. Same went for the other team. If you had a rugby ball and you got tagged you would have to plant the ball for whoever tagged you. They would then have to try and avoid players.

The last thing we did was an activity that had one attacker and one defender. As we progressed, there were now 2 attackers. The attackers had to make sure that they would make the defender commit to getting them. They then had to pass the ball to there teamate who would get a try.

I suggest trying these activities if you're a beginner in touch rugby or planting the ball.

LI: To learn how to plant the ball. 

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