Thursday, 19 December 2019

SLJ | Achieving our dreams

LI: To write down 6 ways we can support our friends with there careers.
For the day 3 task 3 we had to list six different ways we can support our friends with their chosen careers. My friend Andrew wanted to become rugby player. To learn more about the ways I can support my friend, read the DLO ( Digital Learning Object ) above.


  1. Hello Oscar! A rugby player seems like a big dream, and it's great that you are supporting your friend to get there. I think providing sports equipment sounds really helpful, especially at a young age. You'll really encourage and motivate him. What is YOUR dream job/career? - I'd like to know. Great blogging!

  2. Kia ora Oscar,

    Happy New Year! I am so excited to be back to comment on your amazing blog posts. I hope you have enjoyed your holidays thus far and hope you have spent heaps and heaps of time with your loved ones :)

    What a great friend you are! I think anyone would appreciate their friend for supporting their dream job. I think just attending Andrew’s games would be nice, buying his gear and helping with his training is just such a selfless action, what a lovely boy you are :) I also really like the way that you made your blog post so colourful because it makes your post very eye-catching! Did you draw the pictures yourself as well? They look awesome! If you got these images from the internet, please don't forget to attribute them. This is when you say where you got your photos from. Here is the link if you don't know how.

    We give out full marks when you attribute your photos!

    Love your work Oscar, keep at it! :)

    Ngā mihi,

  3. Hi Oscar!
    The DLO you created is great. I like how you added photos relating to the topic. Remember to attribute the images you use to give credit to the person who owns the image.
    Blog you later!
    ~ Florence

  4. Kia Ora Oscar!,
    You have some great ideas of how you could support Andrew with his dream career. I like how you would buy equipment for Andrew and how you would help him train. You have a great layout with colourful images which was very eye-catching. What's your dream job/career?

    Great Work!


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