Thursday, 14 March 2019

Types of Abuse

LI: to learn about the types of abuse and what to do when abused.
Constable Cyrus was teaching us different kinds of Abuse and what to do when abused. The types of abuse are 
  1.  Not abuse
  2. Neglet
  3. Sexual abuse
  4. Family Violence
  5. Physical abuse 
  6.  Cyber Abuse 
  7. Emotional Abuse     
Not Absue is a situation that might look like abuse but it is not
Physical abuse is when someone touches you to make you feel harmed
Emotional Abuse is when someone does something that makes you feel a certain emotion 
Sexual abuse is when someone does something inappropriate that makes you feel uncomfortable
Cyber Abuse is when someone abuses you over the internet
Neglect is when you or your parents don't take care of your health
Family Violence is when your family does something violently to people. 

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