Sunday, 20 December 2020

Athletics Day

This week Panmure Bridge school had athletics day. Athletics day is a day where all classes in P.B.S participate in different challenges. Each class is divided into 4 different teams. There is green team, blue team, red team, and yellow team. After each class has completed a challenge, they all meet up and either watch people race or race.

The first activity, was rob the nest. In rob the nest all 4 teams had a 'nest' and in the middle there were 'eggs'. First each team would run in to the middle and collect as many 'eggs' as they could. They could only take one at a time back to their 'nest'. After all teams have collected all the 'eggs' they would then try to steal more eggs from other 'nests'. At the end everyone would count the amount of eggs they had. 

The second activity was Lily pad paper/scissors/rock. In this activity, because there were 4 teams in total we would divide the teams by 2 then merge them together as one big team. There were a set of lilypads we would have to jump on, when we would meet someone infront of us then we would play rock paper scissors with them. If you won then you would advance, and repeat the process if you encountered anyone. If you lose then you will have to go to the back of the line.

The final activity was the sprints, a week before athletics day there was a qualifier sprint, if you qualified then you would have the opportunity to race in the sprints. After each class had done the sprints then we would have a champion race, with all the previous winners. Whoever the winner of the final race was then they would be in the sprint team to go to zone. 

I enjoyed Athletics day because I got to work on my physical ability and my mental strength.

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