Monday, 14 December 2020

Emergency shelter sales pitch

We presented a sales pitch about the shelter that my group had created. Our shape was an octagon, and we presented our shelter to P.B.S.

First, the feedback we recieved after presenting was that, we should've stopped talking about alternatives, and we should've had more deliverables.

My group and I should've made our slideshow more appropriate for the situation. We also should've explaind what our shelter was protecting against.

I think that my group and I could've done a way better job at a lot of things. My group and I didn't really meet the criterias so something that I think we could do better next time is to include what was instructed and to make our presentation and vocabulary choice better suited for the situation. I also think that my group could be more confident when speaking. We should've also made sure that our lines in the presentation were remembered so that everyone knew what parts they speaking.

LI: To create a presentation of your design to bid for the building contract.

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