Friday, 11 December 2020

Badge Bidding

This year, LS1 started doing badge bidding. Students would bid for four different badges. Those badges are confidence, attitude, respect, and excellence and innovation. Each week you'd inform your group about what you've done to gain one of the four badges. Each badge has a rank of bronze, silver, and gold. 

Bronze badges might be achieved by showing work and acting on feedback. Silver badges might be achieved by getting all your work done by a certain day. A gold medal might be achieved by getting 1000 blogposts. 

I obtained my badges by showing work, helping others out, and helping pick up rubbish throughout the school and helping the senior students with duty work.  

The badges represent how much a student has accomplished this year. The badges also shows how the student has progressed from the start of the year, to the end.

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