Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Ki O Rahi Interschool

LI: To use and improve our skills in Ki O Rahi.
Some of LS1 got the oppurtunity to play in a Ki O Rahi Interschool and it is pretty fun. We learn't more skills while also using the knowledge that we had on the game. The event was open for year 5,6,7 and 8. We broke up inot 3 groups and the groups were PBS 1, PBS 2 and the Year 7&8.Kelly sports was a big help setting up the Fields, Playing as Referee and packing things away.

Each group had 6 games and PBS 1 ( The group I was in ) won 4 games and lost 2. Again we thank Kelly Sports for helping out with this event. Not many people are fimiliar with this sport as it is a maori sport that is played for peace.

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