Friday, 7 June 2019

Kiwi Can

LI: To follow through with what we say.
This week in Kiwi Can we were learning how to follow through with what you say. Our topic was Responsibility. Our energizer was called 21. To play we had to make circle and count to twenty one without going around the circle. Also if 2 or more people say the same number then you have to restart. Our activity was called Goal Setting. To play we had to write down three things that we are going to do and how we will achieve those goals. Three things we can strive to complete by the end of the term are doing the end of term play, taking out the trash and finishing all my work. To follow through with what we say we could remind our selves until we can do it without a reminder. We can show this by doing as we were asked. This is shown by doing our duties/chores.

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